Blue Moon

 There are two definitions of an astronomical  ‘blue moon’ and in neither of them does the moon look blue! The original definition of a Blue Moon is the third full Moon in an astronomical season with four full Moons. A normal year has four astronomical seasons – spring, summer, autumn, and winter – each of three months and usually three full Moons each. When one of the astronomical seasons has four full Moons, instead of the normal three, the third full Moon is called a Blue Moon. They occur about every 2.7 years, with energy said to be 12 times more powerful than a regular full moon. This is why we are taking advantage of this time to share the opportunity to manifest, planting seeds of intention to harvest at the next full Blue Moon in 2018.

 July 31st 2015

Blue Moon in the sign of Aquarius

 This is a time for growth and transformation. The blue moon can illuminate our past, and bring our awareness and attention to those areas that have been neglected or avoided. We have the opportunity to change course or plan some steps of our journey forward. Take time to relax into yourself, meditate, breathe, and allow for your expansive nature to appear.

 The Blue Moon will give you everything in double measure, so take some time to contemplate what you ask for. Blue Moon energy is best harnessed to benefit others as well as ourselves. If our intentions are right then it may bring the capacity to heighten the powerful outcome of anything we ask of it. Blue Moon energy can promote positive traits of compassion, caring, sensitivity and natural intuition, allowing us to listen to our heart, however it may also lead to edginess, moodiness, volatility and emotionalism so be kind to yourself.

This Blue Moon is a time to reflect how far we have travelled since the last Blue Moon in 2012. We also have seven planets slowing to turn retrograde in the last week of July…Venus and Uranus bringing a feeling of awakening and having to face the truth, especially in areas of relationships and love. As the skies have slowed so must we, making time to stop, notice where our lives are heading, and see what we have been avoiding. This moon is about being on the edge of something big…do we jump into new possibilities or take the path we have always taken

Full moons focus our attention on relationships, with ourselves and with others. There may have been recent tensions in intimate relationships or self-study. As the lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon, you can take an objective and balanced look at your personal relationships. Being in touch with your own needs and intentions, and those of others, you may see any relationships or imbalances causing disharmony. This full moon astrology creates challenge in close relationships. There has already been a theme of struggle, in love and happiness, with the recent Full moon in Capricorn plus Jupiter and Venue bringing fear, anxiety, squabbling and adversity.

images-5 Nothing amazing comes from staying in our comfort zones, look inside and out & take the chances we are given. Don’t make choices from fear, be honest about the poor decisions you have made and listen to your heart in changing them for the better. It is up to us to initiate change; we are on the threshold of amazing opportunities so know the universe will bring you what you are ready for. There may never be a perfect time but now is a time of possibility, desire and change. Remember certain chances only come to you ‘once in a blue moon’ 

When earth passes another planet it gives the illusion that the planet slows down, stops and then goes into reverse. Although the planets do not actually spin backwards, they appear as if they do so. Friction is caused as one planet passes by the other and it is this that affects us here on Earth. These planets, in retrograde; add to the energy of change. This can encourage us to turn inwards and this has a powerful impact on what is currently happening in our personal lives. We have Venue, the planet of love and Uranus, the “great awakener” in retrograde. With Venus, the planet of love, intimacy and creativity, also going retrograde, now is the perfect time to clear out and an opportunity to create the space for new relationships or new forms in our current relationship ‘Once in a blue moon someone comes along that you’ll never forget.” ~ Unknown

Venus is gearing up to help all us realign our awareness on love, relationships, what we value and what we’re worth. It’s also a good time to bring beauty back into our lives & our surroundings.  

 Iimages-1t’s a reminder to examine what truly makes us happy and whether or not we’re taking care of ourselves in the way we should.   Uranus is the ruler of freedom, change and revolution, compelling us to seek the answers & take a look at areas of our life that we need freeing or liberating from. Basically, all the usual patterns, habits or restrictions that have restrained us from our potential can be broken free from.  We may have an urge to confront things we have been putting off dealing with. This planet will seek to destruct all the habitual and the comfortable, and in doing so it will reconstruct something more beautiful. Uranus in retrograde is a time for huge transformation. The only thing holding us back from it will be our own ego and our own fear. We will all be effected this retrograde, especially Aries, closely followed by Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

We often fail to achieve our greatest dreams because we become lazy or fearful.

We have opportunity to create amazing things and to leave the world a little different to how we found it. We must be brave and we absolutely should not risk passing up this chance to take a long hard and very close look at ourselves.

We are all a mixture of dark and light, we all make mistakes, It may feel uncomfortable for a little while, but when we get back on the right path, we will soon find our way again.

Now is the time. We can do this.images-2

It will be worth the effort


1. Become the architect of your desires. Be honest. Are your dreams plans or dreams? Luck is where preparation and opportunity meet.

2. Embrace structure as your path to freedom. Structure can provide freedom and creativity. Artists, dancers, all have discipline.

3. Identify where you’ve quit … and start again. Maybe your morning yoga practice is no more, or you have allowed your nutrition to become more about convenience? . Forgive yourself, re find your discipline, motivation and plan. Then start again

Begin where you left off. The key is to muster up the energy to just start, and then to follow through with some kind of consistency.

4. Acknowledge your resistance. Ask yourself why…often its fear, a self-protective ‘fight or flight ’response. As yourself how you feel when you think about it. Can you change the fear to excitement? Motivation?

5.Make yourself a promise. To always be open to listen

‘I vow now to be open to awareness of the body, heart and mind. For myself and for the benefit of all others. I know it is possible for me, here and now, regardless of conditions and inclusive of all circumstances.’


The moon has a profound effect on us. It represents the emotional, feminine, creative and nurturing aspects of our lives. One cycle of the moon takes 28 days, in cycles of waxing and waning, bringing in and releasing, ebb and flowing. The cycle of the moon has different energetic influences at each of the stages.

 The Cycles of the Moon: 

1               New Moon: energy of new possibilities. Time for setting intentions for what you want to bring into your life.

2               Waxing Moon: New growth & continued action

3               Full Moon: is a time to release that, which no longer serves you, what you no longer need in your life. Now the energy is powerful and intense, a time to take action.

4               Waning Moon: Withdrawing, a quieter time

5               Dark Moon: A time to go within. Solitude.  

The New Moon marks the beginning of the cycle and the Full Moon is the release.

 Here are a few of my favourite full moon ceremonies


A guided or simple personal meditation feels great at full moon, a time of intuition and awakening

Fire Ceremony

Create a sacred space and arrange a time to perform the ceremony. My preference is at nighttime and outdoors so you stand under the moonlight. Maybe using a barbeque bucket or similar to safely burn your paper.

Write down on separate slips of paper all the things you want to release or change. Light candles. Look to the skies. Breathe in the night.

Read the writing on your paper one at a time. Set your intention to release the person/item/addiction/attitude from your life. Throw it in the fire. If you are doing this ritual with a group of others take turns reading your words. If these things are too personal to read out loud, read them silently to yourself. Just remember…. our words have power…. Saying – “Be Gone” audibly and loudly can be very freeing. Go ahead, howl at the moon if your spirit calls to do so.

Be Safe. Put out the fire.

Recharging crystals

For moon-type energy (mystical, magical, inward fulfillment), put your crystal outside (either in water or not) under the light of a full moon for several hours.  You may also set the crystal out in a waxing moon (moving toward full moon) for increase and new beginnings, and in a waning moon (after the full moon) for decrease, of debt or illness etc

Moon Water:

Place drinking water in a clear jug or bowl (made out of glass or crystal, clear and with no designs on it).  Cover it with cheesecloth or a clean cotton towel so bugs or leaves do not get into it.  Leave over night and in early morning bring indoors and drink a glass before breakfast until the pitcher of water is gone.  Preferably for 9 days.  Why 9 days?  The Mayans, Aztecs and Incas believed in the 9 spirits of healing, the 9 healing dimensions and the 9 cycles of grieving.  It can help to recharge your body’s depleted energy & connect to your femininity and helps with purging, releasing and letting go of toxins in our body. 

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