Loss is such a personal individual thing. It overlaps with grief…because we grieve for what we have lost. I remember reading somewhere about five stages of grief…denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. This seems about right to me.

I still remember the emptiness I felt the first time I lost a person close to me. The disbelief that someone so young, just wasn’t here anymore. There were no more chances to reschedule our tea & chat. The anger that she left without reason. She was too young. I should have appreciated somehow that time Was short & have spent more time with her.

This last year we have all been aware of the number of celebrities dying. The first day of the year I also heard of the death of my beloved chihuahua. Pucci. This devastated me for we had shared so much. However it also taught me a lot. I realised I felt regrets for untaken opportunities for quality time together, just as I had felt after losing my friend.

This last week I have lost two more friends. They’ve both touched my life in different ways, but their passing has combined to move me toward gratitude. For each moment we have. I think that’s what loss teaches us. To notice what we do have. To be grateful for life. Watch this video and remember why we live.

I realise that we really do only get this opportunity. Every moment is to be appreciated for we do not know when will be our last. We need to say how we feel, experience what we enjoy. We need to open our eyes to beauty and our hearts to love. We need to feel the fear and do it anyway, maybe running down hills & climbing trees…having fun! We need to laugh and wonder, ending every day knowing we experienced it. That we lived it. Don’t allow your life to pass you by wondering ‘what if’ or ‘if only’. Imagine how you would feel to only have three months left?

What relationships would you heal?
Who would you forgive?
What would you do tomorrow?
What would you learn?

Why not do them now? While you have the chance. Take those opportunities. Live every day. Don’t be scared. Don’t live in fear.

Take those risks. Whistle a happy tune! Don’t live in fear, instead  live in appreciation and gratitude. You have a chance to live that many do not have. Appreciate every moment and be grateful for your life by living it. This year my intention is to see the beauty in the world & respond with kindness. Maybe set yourself an intention to truly appreciate the life you are living, as a recognition that many don’t have that chance.

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