A Sankalpa is a statement, which allows us to bring out the best in ourselves. Its effect is to awaken willpower to realize what we are trying to achieve in this life. Our dharma. . ‘San’ refers to a connection with a higher truth and ‘kalpa’ to a vow or ‘rule to be followed above all other rules’ A sankalpa is a rule or intention that honours the deeper meaning of our life. Our dharma. Our purpose.

To find our Sankalpa we need to quiet our mind and open our heart. We need to be able to distinguish this from our usual shallow desires… .such as a bigger house or better relationship which come from desires of the senses, ego or societal expectation and conditioning.

 To learn what we truly want we often need to be honest about where and who we are. Think & visualize your desires and feel how you would feel when they are achieved…will you feel self worth? Do they bring you freedom or physical well-being? Self-love and happiness? If you think your desire may be to let go of something, a habit, person or possession ask yourself what this is to make room for?

We always state our Sankalpa, positively and in the present tense. This reminds us that all that we need to follow our dharma is already within us. True Sankalpa comes with kriya (action), jhana (the wisdom needed to act), and iccha (the motivation & energy to do so).

 It may direct us forward to being the BEST version of ourselves that we can be.  It may be a purpose for living, or specific intentions helping you to align your daily decisions with your purpose. It is a way of finding what makes us happy! To practice our Sankalpa we need to do exactly that..Practice. Allow our mind to make it a constant undertone to our lives. One important way to strengthen our Sankalpa is to change our habits. Maybe cleaning our teeth using a different hand, stop something like eating sugar or alcohol for 40 days this allows our mind to remain flexible to change. 

Allow your amazing self to acknowledge that you are already on your path and be open to possibility. Meditation and Yoga Nidra are perfect states of mind to remember our Sankalpa when the mind is at peace and open. It can take time to find the right Sankalpa so don’t rush or try to force it. Let it be intuitive & remember to enjoy the journey to finding it. This is a time to reflect, maybe reform habits, improve your quality of life and improve our relationships in the process. As we let go and move forward in a quiet reflective manner our dharma and Sankalpa become our guide for living.

So this year don’t just set New Year resolutions. Find time to pause, reflect, do yoga and meditate. Reflect upon your dharma and your Sankalpa. This year make positive change to be the best version of you that you can be, in a way that makes you smile!

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