Corporate Yoga

Yoga in the Workplace. For staff, for teachers, for fun & for increased wellness & productivity

Benefits for the employer

We can provide a wellbeing program that fits with your ESG policy with tangible benefits for both managers and their teams.

Corporate yoga classes are designed to help improve employee focus, productivity and wellbeing.

More employers are now providing corporate wellness programs and encouraging healthier choices through the working day. In fact research suggests you gain up to 3 times your investment in workplace wellness back in cost savings or benefits (US of Michigan Research Centre). Just one may be that employees who report lower stress levels halve their missed work days compared to those who report higher stress levels (Conference Board of Canada). Yoga practice is increasingly being studied as a way of reducing perceived stress & back pain, (for example see or and may therefore significantly reduce staff absence.

So many benefits for you, your company and colleague's

We recommend that you try and do a regular practice to see the most benefits. At least once, preferably twice a week. This can be a 30-45min or up to 90min practice depending on the availability of both employees and space. Classes can be paid fully or partly by the employer, who receive many benefits with potentially reduced sickness and back pain related absence as well as the more immediate improved focus, productivity and happier more relaxed employees. Existing workplace schemes have indicated psychological as well as physical benefits for employees at HP, Barclays, accountants, childcare services and council offices.

Benefits for the employee

We can help you find some space for enjoying the benefits of yoga within your working day. Rather than trying to fit your practice into an already stretched schedule, let us come to you at your workplace

We can offer classes before or after work or during lunch breaks.  Help alleviate the stress from the working day; relieving symptoms such as tight neck muscles, wrist strain or carpel tunnel syndrome and back tension from sitting at desks and working on computers.

Yoga can help reduce stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue & injury risk as well as improving energy, wellness, concentration and productivity.

We provide fun, insured, First Aid & BWY qualified teachers, who all have their own individual style to encourage, inspire and stretch students into a creative and happy space. We can also provide mats and props.

We need a quiet comfortable space large enough to fit yoga mats into. This can be a board room, spare office, gym or any spare space we can create a private space in for the required time. Students need comfortable clothing & water for regular classes. Classes can be adapted to suit all levels of students from complete beginners to more experienced practitioners. We can also offer chair based relaxation and gentle yoga sessions which can be part of the office environment and don’t require a change of clothing.

If you would like more information about Corporate Yoga, please get in touch today


Yoga In Cheshire

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