Yoga for Seniors

Yoga is a practice suitable for all ages and all abilities.

Yoga helps us to age more gracefully!

The use of modifications, variations and props allows tudents of all ages to participate in and enjoy classes.

Our Gentle & Therapeutic classes at lunchtimes are a great way to age more healthily, while taking care of any ailments and also making new social opportunities.

Why Yoga?

‘We need to change our idea of what aging is. If I know my biological potential is 130 years, then I don’t consider myself middle-aged until I’m 65. . . . One of the great principles of mind/body medicine is that expectancies determine outcome. If you expect to remain strong in old age, you will.’

(Deepak Chopra M.D., Ageless Body, Timeless Mind)

Change your mind about Aging!

A few decades ago retirement may have implied quietly pottering around the garden or seeing grandchildren at weekends whereas modern retirees are traveling the world, discovering new hobbies, bungee jumping and generally behaving like they are not restricted by their physical age in years.

The latest research shows that how we age has more to do with our beliefs and mindset about ageing than any other factor. This demonstrates how consciousness affects our health in general; if we expect to feel weak and fragile then we will!

Gerontologists are proving that remaining active throughout life helps prevent muscle and skeletal tissue loss. The two oldest sisters in the USA, Sarah and Elizabeth Delany, have been photographed (then ages 102 and 104) with one practicing Shoulderstand, the other stretching in a pose with one foot behind her head. This highlights how using our bodies helps stop them deteriorating and becoming weaker! Yoga practice helps us age in a more comfortable way

The many benefits are said to include the slowing – or even slowly reversing – of the aging process. It is said it is more accurate to judge age by the flexibility of the spine rather than in years!

There are increasing amounts of scientific research showing positive effects of yoga practice for everything from depression and anxiety to heart issues. It has been shown to help alleviate or reduce many health concerns of the sedentary and the older adult population.

The benefits of a regular Yoga practice may include -

  • strengthen muscles
  • increase flexibility
  • improve balance & reduce risk of falls
  • improve immune function
  • improve posture
  • improve lung function and lead to slower and deeper breathing
  • improves circulation
  • improves joint health and strengthens bones
  • promotes weight loss
  • lowers blood pressure and improves cholesterol
  • improves digestion
  • pain relief and management

  • Decreased social activities
  • reduced joint flexibility
  • lack of balance/coordination
  • arthritis/bursitis
  • osteoporosis
  • back pain
  • high blood pressure
  • increased body fat, especially around the middle
  • decreased muscle & strength
  • breathing difficulties
  • poor blood circulation
  • vision problems
  • chronic pain
  • stress &/or anxiety-related symptoms
  • insomnia/difficulty sleeping

If you would like more information about Yoga for Seniors, please get in touch today


Yoga In Cheshire

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