Yoga in Cheshire Blog

Find out all the latest news and views from Tabitha and the other practitioners at Yoga in Cheshire.


7 ways to be your own hero in 2017

I know for me and for many close to me this last year has been one of challenges and self-reflection. A time of recognizing my strengths & my weaknesses and reflecting on who and what matters to me. This last year feels like it has been a time of facing yourself and the world in […]

How yoga helps you to be your own hero

So here I am four weeks after a spinal fusion operation looking back on my healing journey so far! Well its been a journey of reflection, learning about myself and what matters to me. It’s been a journey of self discovery on many levels. I think many of life’s challenges do this for us….allow us […]

9 ways to be kind & why it is important

Most of all though…be kind to yourself. Stop with the over thinking, the drama, the negative influences around you. Start with the looking after yourself by finding time to meditate, do yoga, eat well and rest when needed. Did you know being kind can increase your happiness, lower stress, lower blood pressure & inspire more kindness.

yoga & the need for a midsummer pause

  Sometimes I have so much that I want to say that I seem to get t stuck where to start. So I will start with making time to pause. The summer solstice is a perfect opportunity for us to pause and evaluate where we are. How the year is progressing…how the seeds we have […]

How yoga teaches you about failure

  We can all relate to sayings like ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ or ‘if at first you don’t succeed try, try again’. There are many things in life that we try a few times before we get it right, and that we are scared to try in case we fail. However not […]

Find out who you are, with yoga

What do we know about ourselves? If asked “who are you.” Would you answer with a name, a job, a position (mother, daughter, friend). Locality (a southerner,a scouser)! Yet none of these are us. If told “I don’t understand you” do we think…nor do I to be honest! Or do we assume that others should […]

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