It’s been a lovely month of ‘false spring’ with the warmer temperatures making it easier to get outside tidying the garden after Winter & making plans for the sunnier months. I’ve not only been doing this with my garden but also my own mental & physical health. Personally I like to do an annual MOT, some stuff involving professionals […]
Author: Tab
Yoga in Cheshire’s interpretation of solstice
Happy Winter solstice…the time of year where life can feel like a moment hovering in time. The natural pause in the year before, yes, the excitement of counting down to summer!! A reminder of the cycle of the year. A natural opportunity to pause & check in, to invite reflection. This is the shortest day […]
Yoga is not about what it looks like
So much of modern life seems to be about the external look.. with the increased focus on social media & how we look. Yoga is about the inside. Sometimes in a class I may instruct you to play, to feel into a posture, to breathe into a stretch. These are all ways a yoga teacher […]
Yoga in Cheshire changes how we look, feel & notice
Teaching at Cuddington on Thursday led to a conversation about people watching. About how much we can tell of a person from their postural tendencies and the attitude of their body. Posture can be effected by many different things; physical restrictions, such as weak or tight musculature or previous injury, lifestyle; driving and computer work […]
Yoga in Cheshire thinks community matters
Things keep changing, goalposts keep moving, but we need to stay positive. A year on from when the first murmurings of a disease in China started to seep out. Now we have knowledge about treatment & not just one, but many, effective vaccinations. We may have differing opinions on the efficiency of our government, but we are all in this together . […]
Meditation not medication with Yoga in Cheshire
The Latin root for the word medication is the same as that for meditation…to heal. Meditation heals…the act of meditation changes the way the mind sees the world around us. I don’t know about you, but I am not someone who is naturally quiet in my mind! As a child I drew, wrote poems & […]
Yoga has helped, even me, find a calm mind
Occasionally I look back to the person I was before I did so much yoga. The day when my yoga was a class or two a week, or even less. Remembering when I did not have the skills or knowledge to help myself feel more comfortable in mind & body. I remember being truly confused […]
Interpreting different Styles of yoga with Yoga in Cheshire
There are many different styles of yoga practice out there. From those who just practice the physical side, to those that include all chanting, meditation & breathing practices. There are styles that focus on long restorative stays in relaxed postures to those that focus on strengthening muscles or aiming to hold gymnastic postures like handstands. […]
Restore over Winter with Yoga in Cheshire
Whereas the final few months of the year often find people in a frantic state of shopping, partying, decorating, travelling & trying to have fun this is not necessarily how nature intended it. We are out of sync with natures natural cycles when we do that. Hence with this strange year restricting our activities can […]
Yoga workshops & classes over the Festive period 2020.
This year is interesting for us all. It has highlighted our communities, our differences, our health & how much we need, & miss, hugs. I love attending workshops & classes run by a variety of teachers. Hence I thought I would bring together what is being offered by local teachers to encourage you to get […]