16 new year resolutions you may want to share regret

1. Live in the moment…Don’t think a selfie or a Facebook post is experiencing. Put away the things & exist in that moment in your body & mind. This isn’t about social media but about you. I read an interesting interpretation of some of the young Instagram stars….taking selfies at fantastic events but never enjoying them….hiding in a corner for good lighting for a selfie or creating the perfect pose rather than enjoying the event. What’s the point of living for the benefit of social media….you only have one life. Live it don’t just photograph it!

happiness and yoga
happiness is good for your health

2. Friends. Those people who think of you when times are tough as well as the good time friends. Those who actually like who you are not what you are. Spend time with them. Tell them you appreciate them. Friends can be the family you choose yourself so love them as such.

purple yoga love
yoga love is purple!!

3. Family. Make time for them….especially the little people (the kids) as time will pass quickly. Parents won’t be there forever, siblings will create separate lives, niblings (nieces & nephews) will grow up. Spend quality time with the family you were lucky to be born into. Forgive past grievances, connect on a regular basis, preferably in person but the world is now a smaller place…we have Skype as well as phones. A conversation is always preferable to a text! Love them for they know parts of you that no one else can see & still love you!
4. Compliments… Give them often & receive them gratefully. To strangers as well as friends & family. Make that positive comment don’t just think it.
5. Create experiences….see here for details
6. Make time for you. Busyness may be promoted by society but pausing in a space for you is invaluable to your mental health. Do those things that make you happy; draw or paint, read or listen to music, daydream, go for a walk alone, meditate, do yoga alone as well as attend yoga classes, learn who you are & what makes you smile
7. Enjoy nature. We live in a beautiful world. It’s great having a pretty picture on your screensaver but try looking out of the window too! Make a garden even if it’s on your window ledge. Sit against a tree…or hug it! Plant flowers just because they’re pretty 🙂 Go for a walk. listen-to-the-quiet
8. Do yoga. Then a bit more yoga. Notice how the changes are not just external. That yoga has a cumulative effect on how you feel & how you interact with the world around you.
9. Smile. Really smile all the way to your eyes! Laugh often. Life should not always be serious.
10. Be brave, try something new. Don’t be scared of failure, be scared of not giving it a go. Fear is so limiting to happiness.
11. Be honest. People know when you’re being honest & respect it. Be honest with yourself…don’t live a lie or try to live a life somebody else wants of you. Live honestly.
12. Listen to your body. Connect to your intuition not just your mind. Listen to feelings & note your whims & desires.
13. Relax….Have some fun
14. Love, trust in your heart not just your mind.
15. Nurture your body & mind. Feed them goodness not processed foods or negativity. Move more, eat less & make what you ingest that which nurtures you. Eat more plants. Spend more time with those who make you feel good.
16. Disconnect. Stop reading this blog & just take a moment to be. Stop doing. Even if you have to schedule this in your diary to enforce it then do so. Live in this beautiful world don’t just pass through it connected to the Internet.

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