Yoga is about learning to change and to accept change?

Yoga is a journey, and an opportunity to learn. Those that merely focus on the physical achievements are missing out on so much potential peace. Those that find the physicality easy are maybe facing a longer struggle in learning to control the breath. Whereas those of us who aren’t so naturally blessed with flexibility or strength will utilize the breath to work with the body from the start, learning to integrate the two from the beginning.

For me part of the joy of my practice is the continual struggle to refocus, the need to re relax muscles as they sneak tension in when I take my awareness momentarily elsewhere.. I enjoy the constant reminders of physical checks, the soothing sound of my Ujjayi breath flowing as I try to get my limbs to do the same. I revel in the struggle because it allows the achievements to be even more special!! So don’t look at the physically able with envy, don’t see those students who attend every week without fail for years as more yogic.They may find it hard to accept change or variety in routine. Instead be thankful for your own opportunuities to learn. Be grateful that you get to appreciate the small things that they may take for granted. Understand that a yoga practice is personal, and in some ways more transformational for the ability to accept change and focus on the present moment of the journey.