Yoga with a heart

We did it! I can now confidently say that we have established a dream as a reality, three successful workshops with each building upon the success of the last. Different teachers & different charities every month so that we can share the love to a wider audience. Raising over ££1250 so far in 3 months and this is just the beginning…
I got wet eyes looking out at the faces of students, fellow teachers & friends who shared this experience with me. The energy is incredible. We are learning that by giving to ourselves & having fun we can also give to others…yoga with a heart rather than some of the more commercial yoga that is being offered by marketing people.
Yoga changed my world, my inner and my outer world and I wish to share that joy with as many people as possible. I dream, and being me I dream big! I want people who would never walk into a yoga class to be inspired to try it. I want the hippy, bendy view of yoga to be opened to include everyone.
Ok so I realise that, practically, things are not going to move fast and that people will be cynical. However if you know me then you realise that i’m not really that practical and that isn’t going to stop me trying! For without trying how will I know if I could have succeeded. To try and fail just means trying in a slightly different direction next time!
So expect some more ideas, some more instances of yoga where you least expect it. Expect more charity workshops in more venues too (well I need a social life and they are great fun as well as raising money!).
Basically expect me to stir things up so that we all expand our potential and the potential of yoga in the community and for the community. Let’s allow the heart of yoga to throb with love.