Yoga in Cheshire Blog

Find out all the latest news and views from Tabitha and the other practitioners at Yoga in Cheshire.


Autumn with Yoga in Cheshire

Both beautiful, and to my mind, often slightly sad, the season of Fall or Autumn, is about change, transformation & letting go. Although the trees show how the process of letting go can be beautiful, to me there is a sadness to the ending of summer. This is a time where we have many reasons […]

Yogic interpretation of Serenity prayer

Grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, The courage to change the one I can, And the wisdom to know it’s me. Y.S.2.1 Tapah Svadhyayesvara Ishvara Pranidhanani Kriya Yogah Stephen Cope translates it like this: Yogic action has three components – discipline, self study, and the orientation toward the ideal of pure […]

Can we learn contentment with yoga?

“We are not going to change the whole world, but we can change ourselves and feel free as birds. We can be serene even in the midst of calamities and, by our serenity, make others more tranquil. Serenity is contagious. If we smile at someone, he or she will smile back. And a smile costs […]

How yoga helps us to cope with challenges

Life has been a bit all encompassing lately! I know that’s what life should be like….lived….but sometimes I feel the need to just step off for a while to assimilate & digest. So that’s what I’m doing now. Spending time with myself & my mat. Coming to terms with some of the events of recent […]

Working with the breath in yoga.

When I fist came across working with Mudras I immediately noticed a difference in my practice and my experience of the breath. The word mudra may be translated as ‘seal’ or ‘lock’ and they are used to direct, intensify, seal or prevent the loss of prana, our energy. When the mudra (hand gestures) are placed […]

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