Yoga in Cheshire Blog

Find out all the latest news and views from Tabitha and the other practitioners at Yoga in Cheshire.


10 ways I learnt to love myself in 2014

  10 ways I learnt to love myself in 2014 Firstly I learnt to love who I am, today, to appreciate all the last year has allowed me to grow into and to look forward to what the next year will bring.  This last year, for me, was a time of growth. Last winter I […]

3 ways yoga helps me be brave

Well firstly can I apologize for my lack of blog activity of late. It has been as much because I have so much to say as because I have been doing so much! So let me start at the beginning…. I wanted to explore deeper into the idea of brain plasticity and in doing so […]

clean up your life with yoga

Cleaning up mind and body are in many ways the principles of a yoga practice.We are told through Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra that the tapas (discipline) of regular practice will allow us to clear our perception of the world, feel easier with our physicality, reduce klesha and bad habits/ negative tendencies and have a more spacious mind, heart and life. Tapas literally […]

success in yoga

So be successful Pause and notice what you interpret as success and move toward it. Not just the stuff that society tells you makes you seem successful, but the true success, the inner contentment, the inner smile to live a life of purpose.

8 ways to live a more joyful life.

Find joy. Find joy in the small things as often they are the big things.
Do yoga. Connect to yourself daily. Don’t neglect your yoga time for practicality like ironing. The benefits of yoga will last so much longer and effect more parts of your life.. Maybe wake up earlier or schedule in a break through the day. Personally mine happens immediately on waking or just before bed! Then sometimes in the day too. Make your mat your lover….spend quality time wherever possible connecting, exploring physically and emotionally. Sweat and relax together. Allow yourself to be together without guilt knowing that time spent together will improve so many other parts of your life. Find a local yoga class that suits you or book some individual yoga sessions to learn to develop your own practice.

Learning to open to life with yoga

Being vulnerable…. isn’t it part of being human. We are breakable physically & emotionally. This pretty package that contains our soul, this mind that directs our actions, both are vulnerable. Maybe that’s why we are so scared of being vulnerable because we recognize how easy it is to break?
I have promised myself to show up every day and truly live. I feel I need to learn to let go, to feel vulnerable to allow myself to feel happiness and joy.
I plan to be more spontaneous and less fearful of letting go (if it’s not a contradiction to plan spontaneity?!). I will open my heart to possibility and trust that vulnerability isn’t such a bad thing. I will practice affirmations about bravery and openness. Expanding my mind in meditation & playing on my yoga mat with balances and stretches.
I will be brave and allow myself to vulnerable. I want to truly live my life and feel joyful.

Questioning my yoga

Again and again I appreciate how lucky I am to live the life I lead. Recently a student asked me to help with her college business studies by answering questions about my little business. These included the obvious enquiries into time management, skills required, why I decided to start the business and potential problems. These along with such questions as whether I socialize with clients, & whether it’s beneficial to business, has luck affected my business and how do I stay motivated all allowed me the opportunity of asking these questions to myself as well as answering then for her!
The question
Have you learnt anything really important since you started running your business?
Yes. To believe in the impossible, to dream & to follow those dreams and to appreciate & be grateful for everything you learn.

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