Flying over the clouds to the White Isle…Ibiza… I am drawn to thinking about life. What matters to us. When you look down at the vastness of the clouds from above, knowing that life is waking & stirring below, things seem different.
One of the reasons I chose to get away for a weekend was admittedly for sunshine. An over long winter, after a dismal year weather wise in 2012, had left me susceptible to the offer of cheap flights & good company. Another reason though was to put some distance between myself and my world so I had the opportunity to examine things from a more external viewpoint. Just as I am able to do from the window of a plane looking down over Europe….changing the perspective changes what we know of something. Be it something physical like a landscape, having a different view from higher altitudes or in different light. Also utilising the ability to change our viewpoint can be useful in relationships. Only seeing things from one point of view may be the cause of much mis understanding and upset!
So here I am, flying off to make some time for me. Time to look at that which I love about my life, maybe see how distance from the situation changes how I feel about decisions and directions I may choose. Time to sit quietly, enjoying the stillness and space necessary to hear intuition and to be. To find the time to do less and just be more. Much as I love my world of teaching yoga in Cheshire, the business side of things involves decisions. Making decisions is often based in action. Made through thought rather than intuition. So when I am busy doing, teaching & exploring possibilities I often find the next step has been taken out of necessity, but often also without spending time in contemplating or stillness.
Stillness is so hard for many people as this is when you hear the truth. Yet the truth is necessary to be living an authentic life. The more you learn to enjoy the stillness, the more you feel the truth of what you should be doing. Also the more you find the space to know what you enjoy away from the stillness, somehow the more you can maintain the inner stillness. For me learning to explore the breath, learning to find the stillness between each breath has taught me to appreciate the stillness I can find in my life. The small slots of time where you can just stop and indulge in appreciating life. The moments of stillness where it’s almost as though you stop to listen; to yourself, to the heart beat of the universe.
Listening to the truth. The truth is often easier to see from an external viewpoint. Seeing from a quiet place, looking inward…rather than from within the midst of constantly doing. Yoga is able to clear our perception, partly by allowing us that time to still our minds. To take a time for us, away from the doing in our day to day lives. So I am hoping a couple of days living yoga, the quietness of spending time with me away from the busyness of everyday routine will help me see clearly. Will clear my mind of making decisions and allow the fluidity of what is meant to be to flow through me. Those are the right decisions. The things that are meant to be, flow, the opportunities we don’t see when we are busy. When we take that time To step back, to quieten our world, that is often when all becomes clear.
So I am hoping a weekend of sunshine, rest and opportunity for stillness will give me the clarity of perception that I need. The ability to see my decisions and know if they were made in the mind through necessity or through the authenticity of listening to the heartbeat of the universe.

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