It’s been an interesting month as we (Yoga in Cheshire) have moved out of our studio and back to a more mobile existence. It has been interesting on many levels.
Firstly my reaction has been unexpected. I had expected to maybe feel sadness or regret. Maybe disappointment that circumstances had meant that I wasn’t able to run a yoga business from the venue. Maybe worry over the effect it may have on the lovely yoga community I could see developing. What I did not expect was the relief! Relief that I could return to Stockton Heath Primary School for many of my classes….it was like ‘coming home’ when I first went back. The new head has bought a lovely feeling of optimism and potential to the school which also helps how I feel about returning. It feels like I can re start my charity workshops later in the year from a place of great potential….potential for bigger numbers, more involvement in the local community, and more fun 🙂 Classes have been outside in the wonderful weather too which is a great advantage of the school premises 🙂 as well as the ease of parking & security which had become an issue at the previous venue.
Relief at the release of the stress. I think that sometimes we don’t realise we are under stress until it is gone. That was certainly the case for me. I feel that my easier state of mind shows in my skin, my posture, my teaching and my health. Even a low level of stress, if it is constantly there, can be detrimental to health and performance. This was a wonderful reminder for me to maintain a more sattvic lifestyle & to not let my stress levels sneak back up. I am in a very fortunate position that I am passionate about what I do every day, that I can make my hobby my work, that I work with fantastic people (only nice people do yoga!) and that I can choose where and how I move forward in my career choices. Thus I am being very careful to try not to re introduce stress into my life.
I love what I do but as Eliza Doolittle puts it ‘what’s wrong with being a nobody?’ 
As she says the whole world is trying to be somebody and kicking themselves for what they are not…..
Not me
I am going to enjoy where I am for a change! Ambition…yes I have it. However mine is to be still more often, to enjoy the quiet in my mind & have time to meditate without worrying about where I have to be afterward. Time to nurture my soul rather than stress my body.


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