Do you love yourself?
Is it normal to dislike and/ or be dissatisfied with yourself. How sad is that?
What could you do if you weren’t worried about what was wrong with you? Could you make a difference to your life? Or somebody elses’ with that time?
This blog article isn’t the easiest I have written for it forces me to be honest with myself and to question some of the ‘healthy’ lifestyles and advice given by many in my industry. I want to write about body image. How many of us are in a place of negative body image,….how we often think how nice it would be when we are that bit slimmer/ further on in a yoga posture, more flexible, stronger, more toned.
Yoga in Cheshire Blog
Find out all the latest news and views from Tabitha and the other practitioners at Yoga in Cheshire.
10 ways to eat more healthily without changing what you eat
Ten ways to eat healthier without necessarily eating different foods!!
Just pottering through my days lately I am noticing how lazy I can be if I am not mindful. How easy it is to live each day mindlessly, doing familiar things every day without thought or appreciation. So I thought it about time to start reminding ourselves to appreciate the small things. Below are a few ideas to improve your health and maybe help weight loss without actually changing what you eat. Just how you eat.
Although be warned…I know my food choices often change (for the better) when I am more mindful of how I am eating.
5 ways to like yourself more with yoga this Valentines
So spend some time this month loving yourself, learning to like who you are and discovering how to awake to the essential goodness and love within you. Earn your own respect by treating yourself with kindness, love and respect. Five tips to love yourself this Valentines
Entering a New Year with a yogic attitude
I am learning to like who I am, but more importantly to be kinder to myself. We are none of us perfect and I have such high expectations of myself that unlike most New Year resolutions mine may be to be gentler on myself!! I plan to treat myself with the same care and loving kindness I would view another, both on and off my mat. Listening to my physical restrictions and smiling & appreciating at what I can do not resenting what I can’t. I plan to timetable more time for rest, not learning, not reading, not practice but pure simple doing nothing. I am great at doing nothing… but tend to forget how long it is between my opportunities to do so. I am going to continue on my journey of listening to who I am from the inside out. Trying not to care so much about societies’ expectations of what I should do/ be/ have but instead love what I do/am/have. Yoga is often the glue that holds me together, meditation what helps stop me falling apart.
10 ways to integrate yoga into day-to-day life
10 ways to integrate yoga into day-to-day life. I am suggesting an acceptance of this tendency toward busyness in the hope that by integrating these 10 small activities into every day you will also cultivate the inner quiet promoted by any regular yoga practice. As I tell my individual students when I design their practice…better 5-10 minutes a few times a week than setting yourself the expectation of an hours practice that never happens. Plus I also know that once on our mat we will often indulge in much longer than originally planned!! Not that yoga teachers are sneaky…we just understand and work with the additive qualities of yoga. However to get that yogic addiction you need to be doing yoga. So enough distraction, now lets start to discuss the ways we can fit yoga around our day without changing more than our attitude to what is yoga!
4 Ways we can shrink to fit if we don’t practice yoga
How do you feel in your heart? Expansive or closed off from taking risks. Do you feel that your life may have become smaller as you have stayed within known limits and safe environments? The way we live may also affect how we feel within our physical body as well as psychologically.
There are 4 ways we commonly ‘shrink to fit’ in our day-to-day lives …..something we may think about when we buy a pair of jeans or lulu lemon yoga clothing (pre shrunk!) but do we realise how many ways our own bodies (& minds) shrink to fit our world.
Seven ways yoga can help us reflect not regret
This time of year, as the nights get shorter and the mornings crisper often encourage us to move inward to more home based activities and more introspective thoughts. To ensure we don’t get melancholy or start to ponder on the end of summer warmth lets instead look at how much we can achieve in the cooler months.
Yoga helps us on our individual Hero’s Journey
This blog was written on the Monday afternoon of our Ibiza yoga holiday in October 2014. It was only a few hours later that our group was challenged into their own hero’s journey. A journey, which started with awful family news for one member of the group who then had to leave us to return to the UK. This was, I feel the start of this little series of challenges and obstacles, with which we were faced as a group and as individuals. I must say however that however hard and challenging the experience was at times, it reminded me of the importance of accepting support, and how laughter and group energy aids our inner strength and self belief.
Yoga in Cheshire explores looking inward
Unfortunately we spend much time in Avidya (false perception) where we focus more on attachment or our fear of rejection than in reality or love. Maybe we become restricted by fear or ego and the patterns of living that prevent us from softening to opening our hearts. To opening to others and to ourselves. How […]
Yoga in Cheshire asks ‘Who am I?’
So who am I? I learn that I am as fearful of success as of failure. Of notoriety as of being invisible. I would hate to be average but also I recognise my fear of actually pushing at the edges of my potential.
I am constantly seeking to learn, to give & to share. To enjoy this life & discover that pleasure in the less obvious places as well as those society tells us are what we should be aiming for. My mind sees & seeks opportunity yet is also content where I am. I am happy being quiet & dancing on a podium. I find pleasure in snow & in sunshine. I am a contradiction!