So who am I? I learn that I am as fearful of success as of failure. Of notoriety as of being invisible. I would hate to be average but also I recognise my fear of actually pushing at the edges of my potential.
I am constantly seeking to learn, to give & to share. To enjoy this life & discover that pleasure in the less obvious places as well as those society tells us are what we should be aiming for. My mind sees & seeks opportunity yet is also content where I am. I am happy being quiet & dancing on a podium. I find pleasure in snow & in sunshine. I am a contradiction!
Tag: Yoga in cheshire
yoga in cheshire; learns to move on with a smile
the wonderful energy of those students at our first Yogathon, in my little studio, flowing through what was for me, a physical representation of everything I had dreamed of. A place where we support each other to be able to achieve more than we can alone. A place of friendships and fun as well a yoga studio. A place where dreams do and did come true!
Lets make sure that this feeling does not change when we relocate back to less permanent premises. Just because we no longer have a place that is just for yoga, doesn’t mean that the glue that holds the community together is any less strong. I want to take all I have learnt into the year ahead, maintaining the good things and moving on from the negatives. I wish for a community that practices together & supports each other. A place where we will maintain the wonderful energy able to bring tears to my eyes.
Yoga & finding stillness
So here I am, flying off to make some time for me. Time to look at that which I love about my life, maybe see how distance from the situation changes how I feel about decisions and directions I may choose. Time to sit quietly, enjoying the stillness and space necessary to hear intuition and to be. To find the time to do less and just be more. Much as I love my world of teaching yoga in Cheshire, the business side of things involves decisions. Making decisions is often based in action. Made through thought rather than intuition. So when I am busy doing, teaching & exploring possibilities I often find the next step has been taken out of necessity, but often also without spending time in contemplating or stillness.